Pressures in Ambition

The unfolding dualities seem to show an alternation in regard to the ambition pole (developmental force) of the unfolding duality.
► The comfort pole (ground state) at every level is about enjoying the fruits of efforts.
► The ambition pole, by contrast, alternates between having to seek and having to take the route to greater career opportunity.
The graphic shows the 7 Groupings in the Structural hierarchy vertically with the unfolding duality details and the oscillating duality details aligned as discovered here.
The picture suggests that the seek levels (even-numbered Groupings) are dependent on the organization recognizing and responding to the ambition. More detail:►
Whereas the take levels (odd-numbered Groupings) are far more under the command of the individual to determine their own fate by personal affirmation. More detail: ►

A firm focus on «employees as individuals» naturally emphasizes the individualist approach to ethical choice. Strength v Vulnerability is the aspiration - constraint within individualist choice. «Strength» is desired because of the fear that our «vulnerability» will be exploited. However, «strength» is a difficult option and fears stemming from «vulnerability» often limit what we attempt. Ambition v Comfort is possibly a variant of Strength v Vulnerability.
Return to the review and overview; or examine some summary matrices of this framework; or move to the next Section on employment tensions and discover a framework for how to handle yourself (if you are an employee), and how to handle employees (if you are also in management).
Originally posted: 11-Nov-2011